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Happy, Healthy Holidays: Wellness workshops at Franklin, Kaiser

Food and family and parties, oh my! As much as we look forward to the holiday season, it can also be overwhelming.

If you find the holidays stressful, don’t miss the next brown bag in UCOP’s Wellness Series, cosponsored by Kaiser Permanente’s HealthWorks to help OP staff take charge of their health and fitness.

The topic for this month is Happy, Healthy Holidays. This session will provide tips to keep you eating right, exercising and managing stress so you can stay healthy while enjoying the season. The workshops, taught by Kaiser health professionals, include fun exercises you can use in your daily routine.

Two sessions are offered as follows, both 12 to 1 p.m. (click on link to add events to your calendar):

Each month’s workshop features a new topic that will be repeated at both Franklin and Kaiser locations, and all OP staff and retirees and their families are invited to attend. There’s no need to sign up; just show up. (Note: These classes do not qualify for UC Living Well incentive points.)

Next month’s workshop will be the final wellness workshop in this series. Look for more details in the Link online calendar and in next month’s Link.

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