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Use or lose furlough time by August 31

Furlough time is not like vacation time or comp time that can be banked for later use or is paid out upon separation from the University. Furlough time may not be carried over after the systemwide furlough program ends August 31, 2010, so be sure to use your time before it’s too late.

Did You Know?

UC operates the world's largest optical and infrared telescopes — the Keck twin telescopes atop the summit of Hawaii's dormant Mauna Kea volcano.

Did you know?

UC has 34 natural reserves across ecologically diverse regions of California. The 130,000 acres of protected land provide rich teaching and research opportunities, and are also used for K-12 environmental

Did You Know?

UC medical centers delivered 14,000 babies in

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UC scientists discovered Vitamin E, which protects our DNA.

Did You Know…

UC researchers average four new inventions a day. 1,497 in 2008 alone.