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22 March 2011 OP Headlines
UCOP CFO Peter Taylor explains how a recent UC Regents action will reduce the university's overall pension costs and improve the financial status of the retirement plan.
21 March 2011 OP Headlines
The University of California Board of Regents on March 17 appointed Robert Samuels to its investment advisory group, for a term to begin April 1, 2011, and end March 31, 2012. The investment advisory group consists of four to seven advisors to provide general advice to the Regents' committee on investments.
21 March 2011 Did You Know?
That nice chair in the vacant cubicle down the hall might look like it’s not being used, but it may be awaiting a new hire, contractor or deployment to another location and not necessarily be up for grabs. If you have questions about a piece of furniture or equipment that you see in another space, please contact Karren Jamaca at 510-987-9944 or
15 March 2011 OP Headlines
Hear UCLA Professors Lynne Zucker and Michael Darby speak about the success of universities and faculty who work with industry on Friday, March 18, 12 to 1 p.m. in Franklin 5320. Or you can watch their lecture, Commercializing Knowledge: The University’s Role in Industry Success, live via Ustream TV.
Community leader, corporate attorney and UC alumna Maria Echaveste will speak at UCOP’s March 22 celebration of César E. Chávez Day in the Franklin Building’s new conference room.
15 March 2011 Did You Know?
Link, UCOP’s weekly e-newsletter, has migrated to an upgraded content management system and a new, easy-to-remember URL. You still receive the same e-mail every Tuesday with UCOP news and updates and can let us know about your upcoming events and programs.
15 March 2011 UC In The News
New electronic health record systems at the University of California's five academic medical centers will help deliver care that is better, safer and smarter.
15 March 2011 10-Second Bio
Meet Paul Master, OSCR project manager, who has a passion for motorcycles and rides his 500-lb. Triumph to work every day from Lafayette.
13 March 2011 Open Forum
While real nourishment looks different for each one of us, we all share the search for a place inside ourselves that opens us up to greater purpose. Join Dan Neitz, MFT, at 712 Kasier Building on Wednesday, March 16, 12 to 1 p.m., for a wellness seminar on “Self care: which part of myself should I care for?”
8 March 2011 UC In The News
As the Peace Corps marks its 50th birthday, UC celebrates its remarkable tradition of public service in the venerable organization, created in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy.
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