Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

BRC Blast: Purchase orders

Learn about the advantages of setting up purchase orders prior to receiving goods or services.

Please review your emergency contact information on UCPath

All staff should verify their emergency contact information to be sure it migrated to UCPath.

Apply by March 4 to become next staff advisor to UC Regents

Eligible employees at all locations are encouraged to apply for this role representing the UC employee perspective.

President Napolitano asks staff to consider contributing to UC cancer research funds

When you file your state taxes, you have the opportunity to contribute to two important cancer research funds administered by UC.

Don’t miss Feb. 12 deadline to apply for Supervisor Certification Program

Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your management skills while building a network of support with peers.

Tax and pay reminders: W-2s, tax exemption and direct deposit options

Important reminders about your W-2s for 2015, withholding exemption for 2016 and direct deposit choices.

Give your feedback on proposed changes to Oakland’s Broadway shuttle service

Take a brief online survey to let the city of Oakland know how the shuttle service is working for you.

UC community invited to discuss task force retirement benefits recommendations for future employees

Feedback from the UC community will help inform the proposal that President Napolitano is expected to bring to the UC Board of Regents in March.