Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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UC Virtual Career Series: Marketing Your Ph.D. for a Non-Academic Career

Wondering how a doctoral degree can translate to a career outside the lab or classroom? Find out in the next episode of UC’s Virtual Career Series — available to all employees.

Facebook Live: LGBTQ identity and relationships

On June 25, catch a Facebook Live with UC researchers about their celebrated work studying the transformations in LGBTQ identity and relationships over three generations. Audience questions and comments are welcome!

LBGTQ+ @ Work: The importance of diversity and inclusivity

On June 11 at noon, the UC Virtual Career series presents its next episode. Catch a sneak-peek interview with UC Irvine alumna Krystianne Avedian, a role model for LGBTQ+ leadership in the workplace.

People with bandaged arms following giving blood

“Why I donate” – More stories from OP’s regular blood donors

UCOP’s next blood drive will take place on Wednesday, June 19. Sign up for an appointment, and learn why fellow staff members give — from a desire to help people in need to dramatic ways their lives have been touched by blood donations from strangers.

Celebrate Pride at UCOP — with ice cream!

On Friday, June 14, UCOP Pride will host an ice cream social to support UCOP LGBTQ+ employees, allies and friends. Join the festivities, and take advantage of an Oakland Museum of California discount!

Join BSFO for Juneteenth festivities

June 19 is Juneteenth — the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Mark your calendar for an afternoon potluck with board games, and learn the history of this important date.

Chancellor Christ to chat with UCOP staff

The popular new Chancellor Chats series welcomes UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ as its second speaker. Catch her in Oakland or via Zoom on Wednesday, June 5.

On Wednesday, we walk!

The 10th annual UC Walks takes place this Wednesday, May 8. Whether you’re in Oakland or Riverside, get ready to join your colleagues for an afternoon of fitness and fun.

Chancellor Blumenthal will chat with UCOP staff on Thursday

This Thursday, May 2, Chancellor George R. Blumenthal of UC Santa Cruz will be the first UC chancellor to participate in President Napolitano’s new Chancellor Chats speaker series. Each month, UC chancellors will take turns engaging

Fighting to end breast cancer: The challenge is on

On May 15, UC’s California Breast Cancer Research Program will bring breast cancer researchers and advocates from around the world to San Francisco to compete for two grand prizes and an Audience Choice Award. Watch this exciting competition via a live webcast.