Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Franklin building safety alert

Protect your belongings, arrange for an escort if you need one and look out for upcoming security trainings.

Woman working at a desktop computer

Box Drive is coming to UCOP this July

Be on the lookout next month for information about Box Drive — a new cloud-based file storage system that will replace Box Sync. This new platform provides easy access to files, right from your desktop.

Time for another recycle purge!

Are you ready for the Oakland move? Clear your workspace by recycling obsolete paper records. Our next purge week will take place June 24-28.

Iron Mountain

Off-site storage myths – busted!

If you’ve been worried about sending your boxes to storage, don’t worry: Iron Mountain is a highly organized business partner, not a black hole! Learn more about our safe and reliable off-site storage.

close-up of smartphone in hand

Starting June 22, dial 510 for East Bay calls

This summer, area code 510 in the East Bay will also be served by a new area code, 341. Program your phone now: All local numbers will require 10-digit dialing.

Can I stay at [insert name here] hotel?

The BRC has introduced a helpful new flowchart to help UCOP employees easily understand hotel allowances.