3 events found.
Electronic Records Day Webinar: COVID-19 Records
Join the UC Records Management Committee for an Electronic Records Day webinar on how to handle COVID-19 related records. Register for the COVID Records event
Indigenous Land Acknowledgements: Why They Matter and Why They Are Not Enough
Online (via Zoom)The Native American Indigenous Pacific Islander Staff Association (NAIPISA) welcomes Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy (Humboldt State University) and Dr. Wallace Cleaves (UC Riverside), members of the UC President’s Native American Advisory Council, to present on land acknowledgment statements, and to offer guidance on writing and…
Concur Training
Learn how to use Concur to make air, car and hotel reservations for business or personal travel. Zoom: https://ucop.zoom.us/j/3301316753 Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 330 131 6753 Passcode: 246810