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26 April 2011 UC In The News
Mary Keipp, a staffer at UCLA, is one of hundreds of University of California boosters who are standing up for UC as it continues to face deep budget cuts.
26 April 2011 Open Forum
UC President Mark Yudof is holding a new round of Bagels with Mark, a program that gives UCOP employees a chance to get to know the president and speak candidly with him in a small group setting.
26 April 2011 OP Headlines
UCOP’s Office of Ethics, Compliance & Audit Services, under the leadership of Sheryl Vacca (center, in print jacket), wants YOU to help them celebrate National Compliance and Ethics Week, May 2 through 6.
In a special event, The Honorable Ronald Lehman and Mona Dreicer of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will appear at UCOP to present a talk entitled “A New START: 40 Years of Strategic Nuclear Arms Control," Thursday, April 28, 12 to 1 p.m. in Franklin Lobby 1 Conference Room.
25 April 2011 Open Forum
John Fox, executive director of UCOP Local Human Resources, will hold a brown bag lunch Tuesday, April 26, 12 to 1 p.m. in 5320 Franklin to answer your HR service questions.
19 April 2011 OP Headlines
EVP Nathan Brostrom answered questions about the UC and OP budgets for 2011–12 at the brown bag, held April 12 at the Franklin Building.
19 April 2011 UC In The News
Chief Risk Officer Grace Crickette (left) describes the evacuation of students from Egypt through UC’s insurance program. But that’s only the most visible of the travel services the university provides.
Of more than 106,000 applications from freshman hopefuls, UC has offered admissions to 72,432 applicants, once again meeting its commitment to offer admission to every eligible resident freshman applicant.
12 April 2011 UC In The News
Two hundred advocates of higher education in California, including UC President Mark Yudof, turned out for Higher Education Advocacy Day in Sacramento April 5.
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