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APISA brown bag on May 4: Filipino Food Movement

Kain na tayo! (Let’s eat!)

Bring your lunch and join us:

Filipino Food Movement (FFM), a S.F. Bay Area non-profit organization, will discuss Filipino food and its role in the family home, the Filipino community, and within the larger American and global culinary scene. Samples of food from a local Filipino chef will be provided.

DATE: Wednesday, May 4
TIME: 12 to 1 p.m.
LOCATION: Franklin 5320

FFM is a volunteer organization with the goal of bringing Filipino food to the forefront through education, awareness and community. FFM helps organize various community events, including fundraisers, pop-up restaurants and festivals. This event is sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander Staff Association (APISA).

Questions? Contact Angela Hom at or Ben Tsai at

APISA-OP promotes and enhances the well-being of Asian, Asian-American and Pacific Islander staff at UCOP.

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