10-Second Bio: Bernadette Scully, Irish historian, advocate and poet
Meet Executive Assistant Bernadette Scully of Institutional Research & Academic Planning (IRAP). One of her proudest accomplishments is redirecting a local train that now winds through the historic streets of Dublin towards the Irish Financial Services Center.
Name: Bernadette Scully
Title: Executive Assistant
Department/Unit: IRAP
Location: Franklin Building, Oakland
When I started working at UCOP: In 2015
What I do in 5 words or less: Provide administrative support
The best part about working for OP: We are the University of California, the greatest public university system in the world.
Something you don’t know about me: When I lived in Ireland, I mobilized a successful activist campaign to redirect the local train line, the Luas. The original plan was for the Luas route to direct into an apartment complex near the docks at Custom House Harbour. As a result of our community activism, the Luas now goes into Connolly Station, then straight down the Irish Financial Services Center to Point Arena. (View a video of the route.) This was a huge effort — we took on the planning department, transport department and big banks, and won! The late Tony Gregory, a local independent politician, was stunned with our success and called me to ask how we had achieved this. I explained that I mobilized people power, wrote to politicians, and attended judicial hearings to oppose corporate lawyers. As Gregory said: If you want someone on your side it should be me!
One weird fact about the town I grew up in: In the 1800s, Dublin as a port was developed by the creation of a sea wall, which deepened the River Liffey’s channel into the city. The sea wall was part of a major survey of Dublin harbor by Captain William Bligh, who is remembered for his role in the mutiny on the HMS Bounty.
If I could have any job in the world (besides the one I have now), I would be: A poet with a radio show. Words are powerful and radio reaches so many in their homes and hearts.
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Tags: 10-Second Bio, Bernadette Scully, IRAP