10-Second Bio: Aayush Kunwar, musician and athlete
If you’re ready to groove to some experimental acoustic tunes, Financial Analyst Aayush Kunwar might be just who you’re looking for. Prior to the pandemic, the former UC Davis Aggie enjoyed performing at open mic nights around Davis; he aspires to one day be a music producer. But music isn’t Aayush’s only passion. He is also a nationally ranked track and field athlete in his home country of Nepal!
With most of his first year at UCOP spent out of the office, Aayush looks forward to the opportunity to connect with like-minded colleagues. So, please reach out and welcome him to the UCOP team.
Meet Aayush
Name: Aayush Kunwar
Title: Financial Analyst
Department/Unit: Capital Markets Finance
Location: Remote for now; previously the Oakland Franklin Building, 6th Floor
When you started working at UCOP: January 2020
What you do at UCOP in 5 words or less: Support capital-raising activities systemwide
The best part about working for OP: The people and the mission! Also, the various learning opportunities it provides
Something your colleagues don’t know about you: I am a national (Nepal) track and field athlete and an aspiring music producer
One weird fact about the town you grew up in: Mt. Everest is 240 kilometers away from Kathmandu, where I grew up
If you could have any job in the world (besides the one you have now), it would be: A diplomat and part-time sports injury specialist/coach who has a private pilot’s license and performs live music at local restaurants and bars in the evenings
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Tags: 10-Second Bio, Aayush Kunwar