OPSA Poinsettia Fundraising Pre-Sale
Franklin lobbyOP Staff Assembly is selling holiday poinsettias as a fundraiser to give scholarships to OP staff who wish to attend a class, workshop or conference for professional development and career advancement. Small poinsettias are $10 and large $20. Payment must be made at time of order, by check only,…
Women We Admire: Ann Kovalchick
Franklin Lobby 1Bring your lunch and join Ann Kovalchick, Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer at UC Merced, for the next talk in the Women We Admire series. To join by Zoom conference: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/6987568179 To join by phone: (408) 638-0968 (toll charges apply) or *4 (from a UCOP…
UCOP Building Consolidation Records Kick-Off
Franklin Lobby 1As UCOP consolidates its offices in 1111 Franklin and 1100 Broadway, the space you have for your paper records will be reduced or eliminated. Records Management has hired consultants to figure out what you can destroy, store off-site, or digitize. The consultants will give…