OPSA Poinsettia Fundraising Pre-Sale
Franklin lobbyOP Staff Assembly is selling holiday poinsettias as a fundraiser to give scholarships to OP staff who wish to attend a class, workshop or conference for professional development and career advancement. Small poinsettias are $10 and large $20. Payment must be made at time of order, by check only,…
Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters
Kaiser 712Toastmasters meet weekly to help individuals build their communication skills, including speaking, leadership, listening and feedback.
PMIG/BAAG November Brown Bag: Cybersecurity Overview
Franklin 5318Join Project Management Interest Group (PMIG) and Business Analyst Affinity Group (BAAG) to discuss information security for Business Analysts and Project Managers, as well as UCOP and Systemwide efforts to address Cybersecurity challenges: IS-3: Key changes to UC’s Security Policy Tips on how you can help…