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UC Wildfire Symposium

This symposium will highlight the devastating societal and economic impacts of these fires on at-risk communities and the state of California. This event offers an opportunity to hear directly from UC experts and California agency representatives on the issue of wildfires and the vital recovery…

Excel Advanced Session 1

Excel Advanced is targeted at experienced Excel users and builds on the key concepts learned from the Introduction and Intermediate courses. Content focuses on importing and exporting data, formatting numbers, working with ranges, working with macros, data analysis tools, summarizing data, using “what-if” data analysis…

Travel Webinar – Alaska Airlines

UC Travel invites UCOP staff to attend this event in Supplier Town Hall series, including a supplier presentation and Q&A session. Sign-in on the day of session will be first come, first serve. Only the first 1,000 attendees will gain access to the webinar (required…