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The Future of Water in California


Join the Sustainability Employee Resource Group (SERG) for an Earth Week event, celebrating the research and insights into our ever-changing and complicated relationship with water in the state of California. Featured speakers include Erik Porse, Ph.D., director of the California Institute for Water Resources, UC…

UCOP Safety: Basic Awareness

Melissa Collins, Program Manager for Security, Risk and Resilience, will facilitate this 30-minute live virtual class that will provide basic safety tips to help employees feel informed, alert, and safe as they travel to and from the workplace. Extra time will be allotted for questions…

Event Series Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters Club

Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters Club

Zoom link provided upon request

Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters Club No. 2967 is now meeting weekly by Zoom! Join us virtually to build communication skills, including speaking, leadership, listening and feedback. If you’d like to excel at presentations, meeting interactions, elevator-speech “sound bites” and/or performance feedback, this is the group for…

Accomplishing More with Less

This is the workshop that participants describe as transformational. If you want to make breakthroughs in your time management, respond instead of react to today's demanding work environment, and establish sustainable practices that will help you effectively manage the information and task overload, you have…