The nomination period for eight open seats for the upcoming two-year terms starts Tuesday, May 29 and continues through Monday, June 11. The election will be held June 19–25 when OP staff will vote to select new committee members. The OP Staff Assembly (OPSA) is an…
The Climate Solutions Summit will be hosted by UC Irvine at the Beckman Center on Wednesday, May 30. The UC community is welcome to attend. The summit will facilitate interactions among UC Irvine researchers, community leaders, stakeholders and decision makers. Summit participants will help identify…
The Latino Staff Association is an employee organization that promotes the general welfare and interests of Latinos in the Office of the President. Membership in LaSA is open to all Office of the President employees and retirees who wish to participate in carrying out the objectives of the…
The nomination period for eight open seats for the upcoming two-year terms starts Tuesday, May 29 and continues through Monday, June 11. The election will be held June 19–25 when OP staff will vote to select new committee members. The OP Staff Assembly (OPSA) is an…
Pre-registration is required for all classes. Classes take place in downtown Oakland. Log into UC Learning Center (UCLC) to pre-register and see full class description and location. SharePoint is a powerful tool that provides collaboration team sites for workgroups to share documents, calendars, project information to name…
UC Berkeley’s Undocumented Student Program provides academic counseling, legal support and financial aid resources for undocumented undergraduates at Cal. Liliana Iglesias serves as an academic counselor and coordinator in the program. Her talk will include: Her personal experience working with undocumented students How the UC…
Join the Black Staff and Faculty Organization and the Office of General Counsel Diversity Committee for an afternoon of celebration and community to mark Juneteenth, one of the most significant and historical days in African American history. Here's the schedule for the Tuesday, June 19…
Join Bruce Link, professor of Sociology and Public Policy at UC Riverside, for a discussion on the effect of stigma on public health in the fifth installment of the Stigma-Free UC series. This calendar will be updated soon with dial-in information for the webinar.
Pre-registration is required for all classes. Classes take place in downtown Oakland. Log into UC Learning Center (UCLC) to pre-register and see full class description and location. The pivot table in Excel is arguably the most powerful tool in the entire Microsoft Office suite. When the success…
You are invited to join President Napolitano for a UCOP Town Hall meeting on Thursday, June 21 from 10–11 a.m. Here are a few ways you can participate in this event: In person: The event will be held in Franklin Lobby 1. Seating capacity is…
If you knit, crochet or enjoy crafts, you’re invited to join a team at the Office of General Counsel that will be creating small hats to help premature babies as part of UCSF’s Tiny Hats for Tiny Babies campaign. Cris Buckley, who is a senior investigator…
The Office of General Counsel Diversity Committee and Black Staff and Faculty Organization are sponsoring a BBQ lunch fundraiser and a screening of the film "Black Panther." The menu includes bbq chicken, pork ribs, beef links and a vegan option. All orders will include potato…