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UCOP Learning and Development

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  3. UCOP Learning and Development
Events from this organizer

New Employee Orientation

Welcome to UCOP! New Employee Orientation is offered once a month from 8:45 am until 12:30 pm (breakfast is provided including vegetarian options). Register now and let us welcome you!

Mindfulness at UCOP

Less stress. Enhanced awareness and focus. Improved health. These are some of the benefits shown in research studies on mindfulness. In this one-hour workshop, you will learn how to both reduce your stress and increase your effectiveness at work through simple mindfulness techniques. Register here.

UCOP Halogen for Managers

Learn to navigate UCOP’s performance management system for evaluating employees. Register here.

Class 1: Excel Power Users (Online)

Excel for Power Users provides practical experience using the application's most powerful features and data analysis techniques. Specific topics include PivotTables, creating customizable dashboards, and an intro to VBA macros. Register here.

LinkedIn Learning Introduction

In just a few months, UCOP employees will have access to LinkedIn Learning — over 9,000 professional development courses! Come to this session and learn how you can leverage this new benefit to grow your career. Additional sessions will be held in December. Register here.

Sharepoint Intermediate: Site Administration

Franklin 7107 + Zoom

This workshop focuses on the primary skills necessary for site administration for SharePoint site administration, such as permissions, site and list creation, page editing and navigation.

Class 2: Excel Power Users (Online)

Excel for Power Users provides practical experience using the application's most powerful features and data analysis techniques. Specific topics include PivotTables, creating customizable dashboards, and an intro to VBA macros. Register here.

LinkedIn Learning Introduction

In just a few months, UCOP employees will have access to LinkedIn Learning — over 9,000 professional development courses! Come to this session and learn how you can leverage this new benefit to grow your career. Additional sessions will be held in December. Register here.