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UCOP Records Management

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  3. UCOP Records Management
Events from this organizer

Get help with your non-records purging

UCOP is again holding a non-records purge week recycling drive from April 23—27, with the goal of “D-TOKs-ing” our space of unnecessary non-record materials. Records Management and Building staff will hold informational meetings open to everyone to discuss the impact of the building moves on…

Records Compliance Week: Open House

Franklin 5320

UCOP Records Compliance Week is Aug. 6-10. Recycling containers and locked shred bins will be available on every floor in all Oakland UCOP buildings. This is the week to get rid of all of those business and administrative records that have reached the end of…

UCOP Building Consolidation Records Kick-Off

Franklin Lobby 1

As UCOP consolidates its offices in 1111 Franklin and 1100 Broadway, the space you have for your paper records will be reduced or eliminated. Records Management has hired consultants to figure out what you can destroy, store off-site, or digitize.   The consultants will give…

Iron Mountain Records Scanning Presentation

Franklin Lobby 1

The Records Management team is now offering records scanning services from Iron Mountain. Attend a kick-off meeting to learn more about this service, find out what to expect and have your scanning questions answered — all while enjoying light refreshments. What: Iron Mountain records scanning…

Records Management Open House

Franklin 5320

The Records Management team is hosting an open house! Please come by and ask any questions you have about records, retention periods, the Building Consolidation Records Project, scanning and more.