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UCOP safety reminders

Please protect your personal safety by following the best practices below when traveling to and from the office.

Tips and reminders for safety in public areas

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut instinct: If you sense that you are in an unsafe area or situation, leave the area and move somewhere safe.
  • Do not be distracted by electronic devices. Stay off your cellphone when you are walking.
  • Be discreet with your property, including purses, phones, jewelry and other valuables. Carry bags, purses and packages in front of rather than behind you.
  • Take only well-traveled, well-lit routes when walking.
  • Only visit ATMs and public restrooms in well-lit, public areas, especially at night.

Safety tips for drivers

  • Always keep your vehicle’s doors locked and windows rolled up when driving, especially in high-risk areas.
  • If you are involved in a vehicle collision and believe you are in danger, call the police immediately.
  • If you are being followed or believe you are in danger, drive to the police station, or a well-lit and populated area and call the police.
  • Park your car in a garage or on a well-lit street.
  • Put your belongings out of sight when leaving your car and check your surroundings before you get out of your car.

Oakland staff: Take advantage of security escorts

Oakland staff and visitors can request a UCOP Security escort to their car or BART between 6:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. To request an escort, contact UCOP Security at 510-987-9700 at least 30 minutes in advance.

Safety classes and resources

In partnership with UCOP Learning and Development, UCOP Safety offers live online workshops to help you learn personal safety basics and stay safe in an emergency situation.

UCOP Safety: Active Attacker Training
Learn skills and strategies to respond if you are exposed to an active-attacker situation. In this course, we’ll review real-life incidents and discuss options in the event of potential similar encounters. Access additional active attacker resources.

UCOP Safety: Basic Safety Awareness
Get an overview of basic safety tips to help you feel informed, alert and safe as you travel to and from the workplace. Participants will have an opportunity to have their questions addressed by UCOP safety experts.

For additional questions regarding safety at UCOP, please contact Melissa Collins , (619) 857-7321, or Phillip VanSaun, (858) 583-2129.