Franklin Lobby 1
Women We Admire: Melissa Murray
Franklin Lobby 1Bring your lunch and join Melissa Murray, faculty member and interim dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law, for the next talk in the Women We Admire series. Dial-in: 866-740-1260 and access code 722-6879 This talk is part of the Women We Admire series, sponsored by…
New Employee Orientation
Franklin Lobby 1General New Employee Orientation for UCOP staff is offered in a workshop format once a month from 9 a.m. until 1:40 p.m., with lunch provided. All sessions are held at 1111 Franklin Street in Oakland. (If you need to gain access to the Franklin building,…
New Employee Orientation
Franklin Lobby 1General New Employee Orientation for UCOP staff is offered in a workshop format once a month from 9 a.m. until 1:40 p.m., with lunch provided. All sessions are held at 1111 Franklin Street in Oakland. (If you need to gain access to the Franklin building,…
LaSA Tamale and Pastry Sale – Scholarship fundraiser
Franklin Lobby 1The UCOP Latino Staff Association (LaSA) will be holding a tamale sale to raise funds to support the non-profit Chicana/Latina Foundation (CLF). The mission of CLF is to empower Chicanas/Latinas through personal, educational and professional advancement. Each year CLF awards merit-based scholarships of $1,500 each to Latina college students. UCOP staff…
Diversity Speaker Series: Implicit Bias – What Is It and How Does it Impact Our Workplace and Community?
Franklin Lobby 1To kick off the UCOP Diversity Speaker Series, Professor Rodolfo (Rudy) Mendoza-Denton of UC Berkeley will be speaking about implicit bias and how it is prevalent in the workplace, community, and in our homes. According to Professor Mendoza-Denton, the new science of bias suggests that…
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Franklin Lobby 1Live presentation to fulfill UCOP requirement for staff to complete training on this topic. Details TBA.
Workshop: UCOP as a gender-inclusive workplace
Franklin Lobby 1The experiences and voices of transgender Americans have gained visibility in recent years. But there is much to be done, including creating inclusive workplaces for all trans and gender-nonconforming people. How can we ensure inclusivity thrives at UCOP? To provide information and inspire conversation on…
2017 UCOP Open Enrollment Fair
Franklin Lobby 1UC’s health and welfare vendors will be available to answer your questions -- including returning vendor Anthem Blue Cross. Also, the Voluntary Short-Term and Long-Term Disability plans are OPEN. This is an opportunity for those who only have the UC/Employer Plan coverage to enroll. Liberty…