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In case you missed it: The war on climate change

In his talk at UCOP last week, UC San Diego atmospheric scientist Veerabhadran "Ram" Ramanathan spoke of climate disruption, working with the Vatican and UC as a leader in carbon and climate stability.

President Napolitano at her desk

President Napolitano talks to Tavis Smiley

President Janet Napolitano will be interviewed today by PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley about higher education, immigration and global terrorism.

A video game that teaches you how to code: The latest Fig. 1 video

Can video games be an effective teaching tool in the classroom? UC San Diego computer scientist Sarah Guthals believes they can be.

Task force named to advise on 2016 retirement benefits

UC President Janet Napolitano has appointed a systemwide task force of UC faculty, staff and administrators to help develop a new set of retirement benefits options for UC to offer future employees hired on or after July 1, 2016.

UC creates five new inventions per day

California's startup economy is booming — a phenomenon that owes no small debt to the three-dozen incubators and accelerators operating across the University of California system.

Summer reading: A selection from campus reading lists

Looking for a book to round out your summer reading list? You could take a look at any number of best sellers lists — or you could check out the UC Berkeley Reading List for New Students.

President Napolitano at her desk

President Napolitano announces $15 an hour university minimum wage

The Fair Wage/Fair Work Plan, which requires that all UC employees hired to work at least 20 hours a week be paid at least $15 per hour, will be phased in over the next three years.

UC Merced students

Half of new UC students are first-generation college students

UC continues to stand apart from both public and private research universities in educating large numbers of socioeconomically disadvantaged students, according to the university's annual Accountability Report.

UC Global Food Initiative marks first year

In its first year, the University of California's Global Food Initiative launched food security efforts on every campus, held statewide conferences on sustainable fisheries and food justice, and appointed more than 50 student fellows to pursue projects.

UC Health initiative cuts costs, improves quality

A University of California initiative to reduce costs and improve quality across UC's five academic medical centers has saved more than $70 million in its first year.

The survey shows: UC staff has high regard for UC as employer

Results of a recent systemwide staff engagement survey show UC non-represented staff regards the university as a good employer. Watch for details about the survey and ideas for improvements in the coming months.