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23 November 2010 OP Headlines
Faced with a $1 billion budget gap, on Thursday, Nov. 18, UC Regents approved an 8 percent fee increase for 2011-12 and expanded financial aid for low- and middle-income California students. Read more.
22 November 2010 OP Headlines
Kudos to all OP staff! Your efforts to cut waste and costs earned UCOP the 2010 StopWaste Business Efficiency Award. Get details on our accomplishments.
Stop by Franklin Room 8112 on Wednesday, Nov. 24, for pies, cakes, cookies and other delights. Proceeds will benefit a shelter for battered women and an emergency shelter for families. Get more details.
It's down to the wire. You have until 5 p.m. Nov. 23 to make Open Enrollment changes. Take action now at:
22 November 2010 UC In The News
President Yudof convened the Steering Committee on Privacy and Information Security to perform a comprehensive review of existing university privacy and information security policies. Learn more.
Come taste this special extra virgin olive oil on Thursday, Dec. 16, in the Franklin building lobby, or place a pre-order by Dec. 6. President Yudof personally selected the blend. The olive oil makes a healthy and tasty gift, and proceeds benefit the UC Davis Olive Center.
Monday, Dec. 6, is the registration deadline for the Annual UCOP Holiday Crafts Fair. Share your creative talents at the Thursday, Dec. 9, event - 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Franklin Building lobby. Find out more.
It promises to be a lively celebration. Join President Yudof and your OP colleagues on Friday, Dec. 10, at 2 p.m. in the mezzanine auditorium of the Kaiser Building for UCOP’s Hors d’Oeuvres by the Lake and Service Award Milestone Achievement Celebration. Help recognize staff who've achieved service milestones of 10, 15 or 20+ years!
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