10-second bio: Paul Master
Title: Project Manager
Department/Unit: Office of Strategic Change Resources
Location: 7th floor, Franklin Building
When I started working at UCOP: I started as a contractor in 2009 and became an employee in July 2010.
What I do for UCOP in five words or less: Help departments achieve their goals
The best part about working for OP: A great team to work with and interesting projects
Something you don’t know about me: I built an electric trials motorcycle in 2006 and have been actively campaigning with it the last four years. Motorcycle trials are essentially off-road obstacle courses, way fun! Check out some of my video (a lot of other ecotrials video too) by searching for “ecotrials” on YouTube.
One weird fact about the town I grew up in: Lafayette was originally going to called Centerville, but that name was already taken. So the second choice was La Fayette, which eventually morphed into the current Lafayette.
If I could have any job in the world (besides the one I have now), I would be: Designing and building electric motorcycles for off-road use.