Monday, Sept. 29: Michal Kurlaender on community college transfer

UC Davis Associate Professor of Education Michal Kurlaender
Join Institutional Research and Academic Planning for another guest speaker on California higher education, 12 to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 29, in 5320 Franklin. (Click link to add to your calendar.)
Michal Kurlaender, associate professor of education at UC Davis, will speak on, “Access in Postsecondary Education: The Transfer Route.” She will present emerging work on the community college transfer path in California, including individual and institutional data on credit accumulation, degree receipt and transfer outcomes.
Kurlaender’s research focuses on students’ educational pathways, access to and success in postsecondary schooling. She is an expert on desegregation and inequality in segregated minority schools. She is also the Davis site director of the UC Educational Evaluation Center and serves on the executive committee of the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research.
Institutional Research and Academic Planning (IRAP) is a relatively new department at UCOP that generates information and analysis to provide the university’s stakeholders systemwide with the data they need to manage, plan and make decisions. The IRAP speaker series is designed to foster intellectual exchange and keep all OP staff current on rapidly developing issues in higher education policy.
Series speakers include policymakers from government, nonprofits and higher educational institutions. If you have suggestions for future speakers or questions about the series, contact Jocelyn Banaria at