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Projecting Credibility and Confidence workshop on June 27

Would you like to express your ideas with more confidence? Want to learn how to really connect with others when you speak? Come to a brown bag workshop sponsored by the President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women:

Samorn SelimDATE: Monday, June 27
TIME: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Franklin Lobby 1

Led by Samorn Selim, founder of Samorn Selim Coaching, this workshop will provide you with practical information on:

  • Cultivating personal presence
  • Balancing authority with approachability
  • Connecting with your audience

Through this interactive workshop and speed coaching, you will learn key strategies to increase your awareness of your personal style and tangible strategies.

Reserve your spot by emailing PACSW Co-Vice Chair Jocelyn Banaria at by Friday, June 24.

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