First state-funded Firearm Violence Research Center to be established at UC Davis
On Monday, Aug. 29, President Napolitano announced her intent to establish the University of California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC Davis’ Sacramento campus. It will be led by Garen Wintemute, an emergency department physician and recognized authority on the epidemiology of firearm violence who has conducted leading-edge research for more than 30 years.
The new center, funded with an appropriation of $5 million over the next five years from the state of California, will build on unique resources already in place at UC Davis for conducting transformative violence-prevention research and draw on the power of other UC campuses and beyond to provide the scientific evidence that informs the development of effective prevention policies and programs.
“The state’s decision to provide public funding for a center to study firearm violence — the first of its kind in the nation — demonstrates great leadership by the state and presents a unique opportunity for the University of California to be at the forefront of researching a growing public health issue,” Napolitano said.
Napolitano said she was designating UC Davis as the lead campus for the firearm violence research center with the expectation that experts from other UC campuses will contribute to the effort. “It is important that we draw upon the power of all the campuses to help tackle this issue,” she said.