Brown bag: Project Management and Business Analysis affinity groups join forces
Interested in project management or business analysis? UCOP now has interest groups for both!
The Project Management Interest Group (PMIG) and Business Analyst Affinity Group (BAAG) have recently joined forces to share resources and promote the exchange of ideas and tools that both types of professionals can use.
The first joint event of the PMIG and BAAG groups will be a brown bag featuring presentations of the Project Management SharePoint template and the new SharePoint site for the PM/BA affinity groups. This is an opportunity for UCOP employees with all levels of experience in project management and business analysis to connect and learn from each other.
Date: Thursday, Nov. 3
Time: 12 to 1 p.m.
Location: Franklin 5320 (NOTE: Room change from earlier announcement.)
Dial-in: Ready Talk (866) 740-1260 Conference Code: 5876271.
Light refreshments will be served, but you are encouraged to bring your lunch.
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