UCOP colleagues are moving with LaSA — join today!
Throughout the month of March, the Latino Staff Association (LaSA) is hosting a Cesar Chavez Commemorative Virtual Activity Challenge, and you’re invited to take part!
Learn more and register
So far, four teams of UCOP colleagues are participating:
- Team Blobfish from OGC – 300-mile challenge
- Team PACSW – 300-mile challenge
- Team Bullard/Yu/Young/Schmitt from UC Health – 30-activity challenge
- Team Steppin’ Up from Admissions – 300-mile challenge

Two members of the Blobfish team (Stella Ngai, Rita Hao, Katina Ancar and Komal Chokshi) enjoy a socially distant walk together in Golden Gate Park.
Here’s how it’s going.
Team Blobfish
“Thanks to LaSA for giving Team Blobfish a kick in the pants to get moving again! We miss seeing our UC friends in person, but we’re grateful to have a reason to connect and also do something that’s good for our health. We’ve collectively walked more than 125 miles and have worked out every day it hasn’t rained. Every mile we walk, we think about Cesar Chavez’s 300-mile journey to Sacramento for the Delano grape farmworkers and appreciate his work bettering the world. Thank you for teaching us, LaSA!”
Nicole Rantz – Team PACSW
“I started walking about two years ago for weight management, but now I just do it for my mental health and to stay healthy. I walk seven days a week and average two to three miles per day. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have learned to really appreciate the outdoors more and not take each day for granted. We are so blessed to live where we have such nice weather and beautiful surroundings. I am happy to be part of the LaSA fundraiser and help out in any way I can. I love being part of the PACSW team with such inspiring and thoughtful women.”
Trish Dolan

Trish Dolan takes a three-mile hike in Briones Park in Martinez with her daughters, Salina and Vanessa
My daughters, Salina (25) and Vanessa (22 & a UC Davis Aggie) took a 3-mile hike this past Saturday in Briones, an East Bay Regional Park in Martinez. It wasn’t until the pandemic that we all decided that we wanted to discover more of our local hiking trails in and around Pleasant Hill. Once we discovered Mt. Diablo and all of the beautiful ridges we are surrounded by here on the other side of the Caldecott Tunnel, we have become more adventurous! We really enjoy the views, weather and variety of trails that are within a 15-minute drive. We all love to walk, hike and run, and getting outside has been a fabulous way to bond as an adult family. We all agree that being out in nature is good for our souls and mental health, and make it a point to get out daily to grab a walk, catch some rays/vitamin D and breathe! Namaste.
How to participate
All staff are invited to choose from three activity options:
- 3-mile virtual run/walk/hike
- 30 activity challenge — pledge to get some movement every day by gardening, practicing yoga, taking an exercise class, playing with your kids, washing your car, etc.
- 300-mile challenge – run/walk or hike the miles
The categories symbolize Cesar Chavez leading farmworkers on a peaceful 300-mile march from Delano to Sacramento to raise awareness of farmworkers’ plight. The categories were chosen to make the challenge accessible to people at all levels of ability.
Winning participants will be awarded a medal designed by Senior Events Planner Beth Kellman.
Visit the event site to register and find answers to frequently asked questions. For additional questions, contact lasa-ucop@ucop.edu.
Tags: fitness, LaSA
What a wonderful way to get us all to move AND interact while socially distancing. Thank you LaSA!!!