Tuesday: Explore the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Ellen Auriti, Lourdes DeMattos and Matt Hicks will lead a conversation about the the new UC Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation Policy and related topics.
On Tuesday, Nov. 29, the Native American, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander Staff Association (NAIPISA) and the Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services (ECAS) team are sponsoring a webinar on the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). All UCOP staff are invited to attend to learn about how the new UC Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation Policy, CalNAGPRA, and the federal NAGPRA law impact UC.
Featured speakers
- Ellen Auriti, Senior Principal Counsel, UC Office of the President, UC Legal, Technology & Research Group
- Lourdes DeMattos, Director, UC Office of the President, Research Policy Analysis & Coordination
- Matt Hicks, Systemwide Deputy Audit Officer, UC Office of the President, ECAS
Join us
- What: Webinar on NAGPRA
- When: Tuesday, November 29, 12 – 1 p.m. (PT)
- Zoom: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/95161971807 | Meeting ID: 951 6197 1807
For questions, contact Julienne Marie Palbusa.
Tags: Ellen Auriti, Lourdes DeMattos, Matt Hicks, NAIPISA, Native American