PACSW welcomes its newest members

PACSW members Lily Dimitrova, Jackie DiOiro, Blaze Farrar and Marisa Strong distribute flowers to UCOP staff on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023
The President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (PACSW) is pleased to announce its newest members, who are elected for a two-year term.
- Tenia Davis, Budget Analysis and Planning
- AprÍ Medina, Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA)
- Andrea Belgrade, Institutional Research and Academic Planning
- Jennifer Mushinskie, UCPath Center
- Merideth Wakeman, UCOP Human Resources
- Carolyn Otmar, UCPath Center
- Erica Picazo, UCPath Center
- Rachel Deletto, Marketing Communications
- Mindy Rieger, GUEA
- Eva Goode, Budget Office
- Barbara Cevallos, UC Controller
- Kelley Ogden, State Governmental Relations (SGR)
- Ava Calanog, UC Health
- Teala Daniels-Cabra, SGR
- Mahsa Aashabi, Systemwide Title IX Office
- Danielle Gunkel, Information Technology Services (ITS)
- Leila Sievanen, Research Grants Program Office (RGPO)
- Giselle Jose, UCOP Human Resources
- Yasmin Sidi, Procurement
- Dominique Bridges, UCPath Center
- Miusette Garcia, UCPath Center
- Theresa Turner, UCPath Center
- Eva Nico, Strategy and Program Management Office
- Laurie Stevens, RGPO
- Summer Alvarez, UCPath Center
2023–2024 Executive Board officers
Chair: Kari Stewart, GUEA
Vice chairs
- Lily Dimitrova, ITS
- Jessica Wu, UC Health
- Raj Kaur, GUEA
- Stefani Leto, Academic Senate
- Melissa Amescua, Business Resource Center
- Jackie DiOrio, ITS
Many thanks to Amy Vrizuela, past chair, Katie McKenzie, past co-treasurer, and Blaze Farrar, past co-secretary, for their deep commitment and efforts to improve the professional and personal lives of women at UCOP. Thanks also to Clare Sheridan who completed her six years of service with PACSW and made innumerable contributions to the committee and UCOP.
About the President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (PACSW)
PACSW examines issues regarding the status of women at UCOP and analyzes existing policies, procedures and programs that affect those issues. We advance an agenda to improve the climate and opportunities for women at UCOP, identify and support model programs or activities and recommend to the president changes that will afford women equal and fair access. Read more on the PACSW website.
To contact PACSW, please complete this form.
Tags: ERG, PACSW, UCOP, women