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Learn how to combat imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome, or imposter phenomenon, is the belief that you’re inadequate or incompetent in your role — despite evidence that you’re skilled and successful. We all struggle with this sometimes. But imposter syndrome and perfectionism can paralyze you and make you less effective at work.

On Sept. 22, from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. (PT), join UCOP Learning and Development for Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism and Perfectionist Culture.

Pamela Rich, organizational development consultant at UC Berkeley, will lead an interactive session to explore these concepts. Discover how the demands of contemporary institutions and perfectionist culture (also known as white supremacy culture) impact us, and how to counter their effects. The goal for this session is to help you build a happier, more sustainable and positive sense of self.

Register today!


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