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Grad Slam is on! Tune in and vote on May 3 as grad students wow in 3-minute talks

2023 Grad Slam winners: Brandon Tsai, UCLA; Elissa Monteiro, UC Riverside; Julia Mouat, UC Davis; and Aneelman Brar, UC Merced. (Photo: Robert Durell)

2023 Grad Slam winners: Brandon Tsai, UCLA; Elissa Monteiro, UC Riverside; Julia Mouat, UC Davis; and Aneelman Brar, UC Merced. (Photo: Robert Durell)

How do our minds turn sounds into words? Do healthy forests make healthy humans? What’s the role of the cerebellum in autism?

These questions and many more will be explored at UC’s upcoming Grad Slam competition, where graduate students compete to explain their complex, cutting-edge research in just 3 minutes flat.

“Grad Slam gives the public a taste of the incredible world-changing research happening across the University of California,” said Pamela D. Jennings, UC’s associate vice provost for Graduate Studies. “But beyond being a fun and informative showcase of UC research by talented graduate students, the Grad Slam competition helps our students improve communication skills in ways that are valuable to all professional employment sectors and critical to garnering research funding and public support for their work.”

Read the whole story from the UC Newsroom


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