10-Second Bio: Catherine Schmitz, Windy City native

Catherine Schmitz (right) with her son, Cole, take in a San Francisco Giants game on her birthday last year. Cole Schmitz is in the San Francisco Police Department Academy.
Name: Catherine Schmitz
Title: Litigation Support Specialist (Contractor)
Department/Unit: UC Legal – Office of the General Counsel – Litigation
Location: Oakland
When you started working at UCOP: Nov. 5, 2024 (Election Day!)
What you do at UCOP in 5 words or less: Support five amazing attorneys
The best part about working for OP: The opportunity to support UC’s mission to educate the state of California by providing service through UC Legal
Something your colleagues don’t know about you: I shook musician Dave Brubeck’s hand once. Before I did, he said, “Not too hard!”
One weird fact about the town you grew up in: Chicago is called “the Windy City” because of blowhard politicians, not because of the Cook County warnings and other bleak weather.
If you could have any job in the world (besides the one you have now), it would be: A journalist, author or teacher’s aide
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Tags: 10-Second Bio, Catherine Schmitz, UC Legal