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Join PACSW: Advance the role of women at UCOP

If you’ve ever attended an event through the Women We Admire Speaker Series, enjoyed the Remarkable Women at UC posters that have been displayed in the Franklin lobby, heard about the “Making Power Moves: Women and Leadership” course, or attended the “Demystifying the Promotion Process – HR Compensation,” you know about the great work being done by the President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (PACSW).

Members enjoy unique opportunities to participate in professional growth and networking activities; interact with high-level UCOP leaders; demonstrate leadership and advance women and family-friendly policies benefitting UCOP staff. The group’s purpose is to recommend and sponsor programs and other activities or policies that afford women equal opportunity, fair access, inclusion and advancement. Most UC locations have a similar group and local groups have representatives on the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW).

PACSW is invested in the success of all its members at UCOP. Through active participation, members become part of a dynamic, interesting, fun and inclusive network of professionals representing all UCOP departments and at different stages along the career continuum.

As an employee resource group, PACSW is guided by a set of strategic goals:

  • Promote and provide professional development to amplify women’s visibility and improve women’s opportunity to compete for career opportunities at UCOP;
  • Champion policies, programs and practices that foster an inclusive and equitable climate for women at UCOP;
  • Inspire and connect women at UCOP and throughout the UC system; and
  • Contribute to building a UCOP culture that welcomes, encourages and supports issues impacting women and their professional goals.

Membership terms last two years and are renewable up to six years total. Members devote two to three hours each month to PACSW activities, including a monthly meeting and active participation on a subcommittee. PACSW meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 12:10 – 1 p.m. (PT).

Learn more about becoming a member. If you are interested in applying, complete this brief survey.

Prospective members are also invited to attend an open house to learn more on Wednesday, March 19, or Tuesday, April 15, from 12:10 – 1 p.m. (PT). If you’d like to attend the open house, RSVP to PACSW leadership to receive the Zoom link.

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