OPSA Staff Engagement Meeting will feature Lalitha Sankaran with an anti-racism update
Members of the OP Staff Assembly (OPSA) are excited to share that they will host Lalitha Sankaran, director of the Office of Workplace Inclusion and Belonging (OWIB), at this month’s OPSA Staff Engagement meeting, taking place Wednesday, Oct. 11, from 1:10 – 2 p.m. (PT).
OWIB is leading an effort to develop a unified framework for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and anti-racism at UCOP. This framework, which is designed to align with the UCOP Strategic Framework, will help guide shared accountability across UCOP for this critical work. The framework builds on the efforts of the UCOP Anti-Racism Task Force and has been developed by the UCOP EDI and Anti-racism Advisory Group, which consists of staff representatives from across UCOP divisions.
To learn more about the progress of anti-racism work at UCOP, join us! This virtual event will take place via Zoom: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/94273171531?pwd=bVNmU2tUdjUwT2NiT1p3TjQrQ2JlUT09.
All staff are welcome and encouraged to attend.
For questions, contact danielle.gunkel@ucop.edu.
Tags: Lalitha Sankaran, OPSA, OPSA staff engagement meeting, OWIB