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Non-records Purge Week Recycling Drive

In recognition of International Records Management and Information Month, UCOP will once again have a non-records purge week recycling drive from April 23—27, with the goal of “D-TOKs-ing” OP of unnecessary non-record materials. Recycling bins will be placed in all UCOP Oakland locations throughout the week.…

Financial Control and Accounting Training

Franklin Lobby 1

This training session, which is organized by Corporate Accounting, is for all department staff who are involved in booking journals in the UCOP general ledger, with an emphasis on those who book financial control transactions with the UC campuses. Participants can RSVP to Hanna Ingram…

Book signing and discussion with the nation’s oldest career park ranger

Franklin Lobby 1

Betty Reid Soskin, 96, has lived an extraordinary life of purpose through service to others. She is the oldest park ranger serving with the National Park Service. She will share her insights into American history on April 23. Soskin is the author of “Sign My…