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Event Series Concur T&E Office Hours

Concur T&E Office Hours

Attend the Concur Travel & Expense Office Hours to ask questions about pre-travel requests, corporate credit card requests and expense reimbursements. Zoom: Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 330 131 6753 Passcode: 246810

Event Series CAAP Office Hours

CAAP Office Hours

Attend the Compliance, Accounting & Audit Policy (CAAP) Office Hours to ask questions about journals/reports, cost transfers, new supplier requests, chart of accounts and CashNet. Zoom: Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 977 3102 6832 Passcode: 654321

Event Series Procure-to-Pay Office Hours

Procure-to-Pay Office Hours

Attend the Procure-to-Pay Office Hours to ask questions about purchase requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and payments to suppliers. Zoom: Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 962 4582 7097    

Getting Back to International Travel

Join UC Travel and UC Risk Services for help understanding insurance coverage for business travel, what travelers should do to prepare and how to navigate the oftentimes confusing arena of country border restrictions. Register online here