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OPSA Features Calvin Turner
OnlineAll staff members are welcome to attend the OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. This month's meeting will feature UCPath Executive Director Calvin Turner. Zoom info Web link: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/94273171531?pwd=bVNmU2tUdjUwT2NiT1p3TjQrQ2JlUT09 Meeting ID: 942 7317 1531 Passcode: 374177 OP Staff…
CAAP Office Hours
Attend the Compliance, Accounting & Audit Policy (CAAP) Office Hours to ask questions about journals/reports, cost transfers, new supplier requests, chart of accounts and CashNet. Zoom: https://ucop.zoom.us/j/97731026832 Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 977 3102 6832 Passcode: 654321
Concur T&E Office Hours (Drop In)
Administrators will be on hand to answer any and all questions