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Box Fundamentals

This course will give you an overview of Box, the cloud-based service that provides secure file storage and file sharing.

OP Staff Assembly Meeting


All staff members are welcome to attend the OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. Zoom info Web link: Meeting ID: 942 7317 1531 Passcode: 374177 OP Staff Assembly is an all-volunteer staff organization dedicated to promoting the…

Professional Etiquette Post Pandemic

What does professionalism look like in the post-pandemic workplace? As we return to post-pandemic life, etiquette in the workplace has changed. You may wonder: Should I shake someone's hand or wear a mask? Do I need to order new business cards? How do I network…

Event Series Preparing for Retirement

Preparing for Retirement


If you’re a UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) member or a vested inactive UCRP member who is planning to retire within the next five years, this webinar is for you. We’ll cover UCRP pension benefits, retirement savings and retiree health coverage. Learn more about preparing for…