Excel Power BI
In this 3-session course, users will learn about and practice using Power BI. Users will learn how to: Connect to data sources. Perform data cleaning, profiling, and shaping. Visualize data with Power BI. Create interactive visualizations. Enhance reports and dashboards. Publish and share reports and…
GROW Plus: Accountability Conversations for Managers
GROW Plus: Accountability Conversations for Managers is the second part in the required live training series on manager and employee performance conversations. This training answers the question: What do I do when my coaching is not improving performance? In this virtual, live, and highly interactive…
BRC T&E Team Office Hours
Have a travel or travel reimbursement-related question? Join the Business Resource Center Travel and Entertainment team for weekly office hours. Zoom link: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/3301316753?pwd=STFNemVrbTJsV0tJZU1BNWZFL2VSUT09
UC Travel Presents Enterprise/National
Join the UC Central Travel Office for our supplier spotlight series! This event will feature Enterprise/National car rentals. Register online to attend: https://ucop.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BOCMsswXSTGR3NHPd48uKg
UCOP & UCPath Summer Internship Program Info Session
ZoomAs we prepare for the 2025 UCOP and UCPath Summer Internship Program, we invite you to join an information session designed to set you up for a successful recruiting season. Managers play a key role in attracting top UC talent, and getting an early start…