UC Travel Presents Lufthansa Air Lines
Join the UC Central Travel Office for our supplier spotlight series! This event will feature Lufthansa Airlines. Register online to attend: https://ucop.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_te-paf_-QiqFHJ9CSMo_-g
Sustainability Employee Resource Group Meeting
https://ucop.zoom.us/j/94976971227This is the monthly UCOP Sustainability Employee Resource Group (SERG) meeting. All are welcome! SERG started in July 2020 to create and promote a culture of sustainability at UCOP locations and focuses on UC Sustainable Practices Policy issue areas. Our goals are to: Identify and initiate projects…
BRC T&E Team Office Hours
Have a travel or travel reimbursement-related question? Join the Business Resource Center Travel and Entertainment team for weekly office hours. Zoom link: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/3301316753?pwd=STFNemVrbTJsV0tJZU1BNWZFL2VSUT09
Box Fundamentals
This course will give you an overview of Box, the cloud-based service that provides secure file storage and file sharing. How to use Box How to collaborate with UCOP and non-UCOP people Commenting directly on files, folder permissions, shared links, and many other tips that…