APISA 3Practice Support Circle Oakland
Franklin 9405A chaotic start to the new year in both national and worldwide events has left many of us feeling as though we could use a friendly ear and a safe space to share our feelings. To help support the UCOP community during this time, APISA…
UCOP Administrative Officers Group Meeting
Join the Administrative Officers Group — a supportive community for UCOP staff in administrative roles who are eager to connect, share knowledge and collaborate. Our goal is to build a strong network where we can exchange insights, troubleshoot challenges, and discover new resources together. To…
Compliance, Accounting, Audit, & Policy (CAAP) Office Hours
Ask questions about journals/reports, cost transfers, ITF’s, Chart of Accounts, General Ledger, and CashNet. Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 919 8651 9749 Passcode: 654321
UCOP Safety: Basic Awareness
Melissa Collins, Program Manager for Security, Risk and Resilience, will facilitate this live virtual class that will provide basic safety tips to help employees feel informed, alert, and safe as they travel to and from the workplace. Extra time will be allotted for questions and…
Latinx Staff Association Meeting
Join the UCOP Latinx Staff Association (LaSA) for their monthly membership meeting, typically held the third Thursday of each month from 12-1 p.m. (PT). Join by Zoom: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/92002215075 For questions, contact Alina.Tejera@ucop.edu.
Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters Club
Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters Club No. 2967 is now meeting weekly by Zoom! Join us virtually to build communication skills, including speaking, leadership, listening and feedback. If you’d like to excel at presentations, meeting interactions, elevator-speech “sound bites” and/or performance feedback, this is the group for…
Accessibility/Cascade Office Hours
Do you have a question about using Cascade CMS to manage content on your website? Have a tricky PDF that won’t pass accessibility requirements? Drop in and visit our semi-monthly Accessibility/Cascade Office Hours. We have experts to help you live with any issues you’re encountering.