OPSA Panel: IT Careers
Join the OP Staff Assembly via Zoom for a conversation featuring colleagues in UCOP and systemwide Information Technology Services (ITS). In a lively panel discussion, we’ll discuss how varied skills and experiences can be leveraged within IT careers. Register to receive the Zoom link: https://ucop.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lduqrqz4oGtJwii3LxQFgV9C-0gNF6sSa#/registration
Accessibility/Cascade Office Hours
ZoomHave a question about using Cascade CMS to manage content on your website? Have a tricky PDF that won't pass accessibility requirements? Drop in and visit our semi-monthly Accessibility/Cascade Office Hours. We have experts to help you live with any issues you're encountering.
Tableau User Group Meeting
Zoom — Contact organizer for LinkUCOP TUG is a community of UCOP staff interested in building and sharing their Tableau skills. The group meets bi-monthly to discuss product updates, share best practices, present how-tos, provide feedback on reports in development, and much more. Users with all levels of experience are…
Sustainability Employee Resource Group Meeting
https://ucop.zoom.us/j/94976971227This is the monthly UCOP Sustainability Employee Resource Group (SERG) meeting. All are welcome! SERG started in July 2020 to create and promote a culture of sustainability at UCOP locations and focuses on UC Sustainable Practices Policy issue areas. Our goals are to: Identify and initiate projects…
BRC Community of Practice Meeting
The Business Resource Center (BRC) invites all users to attend monthly community of practice meetings. Each session will begin with 30 minutes of announcements, updates and deadlines (anything that’s arisen since the prior meeting). The second 30 minutes will be a topic-themed discussion and Q&A…
BRC T&E Team Office Hours
Have a travel or travel reimbursement-related question? Join the Business Resource Center Travel and Entertainment team for weekly office hours. Zoom link: https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/3301316753?pwd=STFNemVrbTJsV0tJZU1BNWZFL2VSUT09
Compliance, Accounting, Audit, & Policy (CAAP) Office Hours
Ask questions about journals/reports, cost transfers, ITF’s, Chart of Accounts, General Ledger, and CashNet. Dial-in: 1 669 219 2599 Meeting ID: 919 8651 9749 Passcode: 654321