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FAQs: Oakland gender-inclusive restrooms

The following FAQs regarding the gender-inclusive restrooms (GIRRs) in UCOP’s Oakland campus were developed in partnership with Building Services and UCOP Pride.

Didn’t UCOP’s Oakland campus always have GIRRs?

Yes; however, prior to 2023, the number of existing GIRRs did not align with the need and was not equitable. Staff wishing to access the GIRRs needed to travel much farther from their workspaces than employees who preferred to use gender-specific (men’s or women’s) bathrooms.

What changes are being made to Oakland restroom facilities?

Franklin building

  • The restrooms outside High XII Café on the first floor have been updated to a multi-user GIRR with floor-to-ceiling enclosed stalls and communal hand-washing. (This solution was required to meet California Building Code requirements for the number of required restrooms.)
  • In addition to the existing men’s and women’s restrooms on floors 5-8 and 10-12, one ADA/GIRR stall will be added to every floor.
  • Two gender-inclusive shower/changing facilities/restrooms will be added to the 9th floor, next to the men’s and women’s showers.

Broadway building

  • In addition to the existing gendered restrooms on floors 3-9, one ADA/GIRR stall will be added to every floor.
  • A gender-inclusive shower will be added to the 10th floor, next to the existing GIRR

When will the changes to Oakland restrooms take place?

BASC hopes to make all updates within the next six months.

Do, or will, other UCOP locations also have access to GIRRs?

Yes. Once we finalize the Oakland facilities, UCOP will continue ensuring that all UCOP locations have sufficient GIRRs. Currently, the UC Center Sacramento is complete; the UCPath Center has one floor in need of a gender-neutral restroom; and we are working on identifying how to add facilities in Washington, D.C. UCOP plans to advocate for GIRR facilities in rented buildings (although we are unable to require them in such locations).

Why does UCOP need GIRRs?

UC is committed to creating and sustaining inclusive campus and workplace environments that support and value all members of our community, consistent with the UC Principles of Community and efforts around civility and respect. Gender inclusion should provide access and equality by creating an environment that is accessible and respectful of all individuals, including by making restroom facilities available for all.

Who benefits from GIRRs?

Everyone — more GIRRs means more spaces that support the diversity in our community. As all GIRRs at UCOP will be ADA-compliant, increasing the number of GIRRs also increases the number of ADA-accessible facilities. And, UCOP GIRRs will provide more privacy than existing restrooms.

GIRRs particularly benefit people who:

  • Do not identify as male or female, or identify as transgender
  • Must use the restroom with a caretaker of a different gender
  • Are assisting children of a different gender
  • Are accompanied by a service animal
  • Need an additional option for private lactation
  • Experience paruresis (“shy bladder syndrome”) or parcopresis (“shy bowel syndrome”)

I am more comfortable using a gender-specific restroom. Do I have to use the GIRRs?

No. All staff will be able to choose between gender-specific (men’s or women’s) and gender-inclusive restrooms.

For additional questions regarding the GIRRs, please contact