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Diversity and Engagement

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  3. Diversity and Engagement
Events from this organizer

UCOP Multicultural Day

Franklin lobby

For more than a decade, educators have celebrated National Multicultural Diversity Day (NMDD)  in October. Multiculturalism is the policy or process whereby the distinct identities of the cultural groups within a society are maintained or supported. The purpose of this day is to provide staff…

Webinar: How will ESSA affect California K-12 schools?

Online and dial-in only

This webinar offers a professional development opportunity for professionals who support K–12 schools and districts in California. It will provide essential information about California’s plan to implement the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which will align with the state’s new accountability system, a new process that uses multiple measures to identify…

UCOP Season of Gratitude Celebration

Franklin building

Please join us for our annual year-end event for all Oakland-based staff. As in years past, this event is funded entirely from generous personal donations by UCOP leaders and managers, combining their funds for one larger all-staff appreciation event. It’s a great time to mingle…

Webinar: Basic Needs at UC – Crisis, Intersectionality and Transformation

Online and dial-in only

A webinar to learn about basic needs research, a preventative model and strategies to support prospective UC students. Sponsored by Diversity & Engagement. Speaker Ruben E. Canedo is the Research and Mobilization Coordinator at UC Berkeley. He is engaged in addressing college student food access…

UC Scout: Earning A-G Credits Online

If you didn’t have a chance to attend the brown bag session about UC Scout, there’s still time to learn about the program! Join us for a webinar to hear from Associate Dean Kevin Heller about the expansion of Scout, UC’s online learning program that…

Diversity Speaker Series: Addressing College Student Food Access and Security

Franklin Lobby 1

In his talk about food security at UC campuses, particularly UC Berkeley, Ruben Canedo, who is CE3 Research and Mobilization Coordinator at UC Berkeley's Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence, will discuss: ·      Food insecurity on college campuses ·      Access to affordable and nutritious food…

Implicit bias presentation and discussion

Online and dial-in only

Diversity and Engagement is hosting a discussion about implicit bias and some of the various implicit bias trainings available through UC. Implicit bias refers to the stereotypes and attitudes people have toward specific populations in their social environment. Biases that are both favorable and unfavorable…

Diversity Speaker Series: What It’s Like to be Undocumented in This Era

Franklin Lobby 1

UC Berkeley’s Undocumented Student Program provides academic counseling, legal support and financial aid resources for undocumented undergraduates at Cal. Liliana Iglesias serves as an academic counselor and coordinator in the program. Her talk will include: Her personal experience working with undocumented students How the UC…