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Shout-Out for Carolin Mathew

Thanks to Carolin’s hard work on the Reporting Instance application, the project was a great success!

10-Second Bio: Partha Chakraborty, street art enthusiast

Meet Applications Programmer Partha Chakraborty, a longtime Oakland resident with a deep appreciation for the city’s diverse culture and public art.

10-Second Bio: Rakesh Singh, tropical vacation enthusiast

Meet Rakesh Singh, ITS senior consultant. When he’s not contemplating the impact of his work on staff across UC, he’s imagining his next excursion to one of the world’s most beautiful beaches.

Calling all technophiles: Catch the 2019 IT Tech & Friends Fair

UCOP’s annual technology fair will take place this Thursday, September 12, in Franklin Lobby 1. Enjoy light refreshments, participate in a drawing and immerse yourself in everything IT.