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Apply for the UCOP Mentorship Program by Aug. 7

The UCOP Mentorship Program pairs experienced leaders and professionals from across OP departments with staff who seek to develop themselves professionally. While mentees in the nine-month program enjoy a supportive environment in which to expand their professional networks, increase self-awareness and discipline, and receive position and constructive feedback on their career development, mentors have the opportunity to translate values and strategies into actions, gain insights and alternative perspectives about other areas of the university, practice coaching skills and garner support for the university’s mission and goals.

Who can participate?

Mentors must be experienced managers and professionals who have been at UC for at least two years and at OP for at least one year.

Mentees must be career staff who have been employed at UC or UCOP for at least a year.

Details of the 2015 Mentorship Program

Applications are due Aug. 7, and selected participants will be notified by Aug. 14. The program will accept 20-25 mentees, depending on the size of the mentor pool.

In September, they can meet and mingle at a reception, and then mentees will submit their mentor preferences. Pairings will be announced on Sept. 23.

The program will begin in October.

Visit the Mentorship Program website for more information and to download an application.

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