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Ann Palmer to support shared administrative duties

UCOP welcomes Ann Palmer, a new assistant for the immediate offices of both the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Executive Vice President of Business Operations.

Ann will provide backup support to both Executive Assistants, Yvonne Perrelli and Barbara Picard; and serve as primary support for calendaring and other administrative needs for Chief of Staff Jan Corlett and Associate Vice President Michael Reese.

Ann brings long and valuable experience in the University of California system, most recently at UC San Francisco. She is uniquely qualified to serve in this new “shared” administrative capacity that is designed to reduce total FTE in the two immediate offices while still providing quality administrative service. This will be further achieved by drawing on the administrative support now available in the reorganized Strategic Resources Coordination Team (SRCT).

Ann occupies a newly-reconfigured space on the 12th floor, between the Provost’s and the Executive Vice President’s immediate offices. She can be reached at (510) 987-9034, or

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