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22 February 2011 OP Headlines
Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in the UCOP Mentorship Program, a new initiative to enrich your work experience and your entire career.
22 February 2011 Open Forum
Don't miss the opportunity to participate in UCOP's new Mentorship Program, open for mentee applications until 5 p.m. Friday, March 11. For more on the program, see our top story about last week's Franklin building brown bag, hosted by Human Resources VP Dwaine Duckett.
The Print Management Initiative will be conducting the second phase of vendor data collection walkthroughs on Thursday, Feb. 24, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with possible carryover into Friday, Feb. 25. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in assisting with access to spaces as needed.
President Yudof has issued an important video message to the UC community regarding the current budget situation and what faculty and staff can do to help.
PPS Replacement Project Team members (left to right) Kathryn Forrest, Michele Maule and Anthony Lo are working on the new university-wide payroll system.
18 February 2011 Applause
The Business Resource Center Payroll Team sends a huge thank you to Sundar Thiru and Partha Chakraborty of IR&C for their assistance in preparing the 2011 timesheets.
15 February 2011 Did You Know?
Check out the display cases near the Franklin lobby elevators for a new display honoring eight black inventors, sponsored by UCOP's Black Staff/Faculty Organization in honor of Black History Month 2011. More posters will be added to the display this week featuring African Americans directly affiliated with UC.
15 February 2011 OP Headlines
Learning how to relax is known to decrease stress at work and at home. If you're feeling stressed out, join UCSF Faculty and Staff Assistance Program counselor Winifred Lum for Effective Ways to Relieve Tension and Anxiety in Your Life, on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 12 to 1 p.m., in 712 Kaiser Building.
Learn how to improve employee performance by increasing your effectiveness and efficiency in developing direct reports. This is an online course that you can take at your own desktop by logging on to the UC Learning Center.
Introduce yourself to the OP community — it takes just a few minutes.
Want to say thank you to a colleague? Take a moment to do so in Link.