Staff Appreciation events deliver a memorable week
People are still talking about the tacos and totes, the limelight gelato bars and presidential pancakes, and the Franklin security desk spoof Tim Loving and Chris Parmelee performed at last Friday’s talent showcase in the Kaiser Center Auditorium.
And with good reason: Staff Appreciation Week was a hit, offering many memorable moments and delivering on its promise to celebrate UCOP staff for a job well done.

President Mark Yudof does the heavy lifting at last Tuesday's pancake breakfast, with the help of OP Staff Assembly Chair Jeanie Urban.
In the words of Jerutha Williams from Innovation Alliances and Services: “The food, entertainment and the overall function was . . . full of fun. . . . I can say I felt appreciated.”
The concept of a weeklong staff appreciation event had been in the works for some time as a way for leadership to recognize the dedication of UCOP staff during challenging times, according to Michael Reese, associate vice president for Business Operations.
Reese pulled together a hardworking committee who produced the week’s activities, from scouting food vendors and talent to tracking the budget and securing UCOP discounts at local restaurants.
Our thanks go out to all the committee members:
- OP Staff Assembly representatives Kenneth Feer, Ravinder Singh and Jeanie Urban
- Event Services Group staff Barbara Heilmann and Alexander Zabelin
- Communications Creative Team members Vanessa Correa and Ethan Davis
- Talent show producers Cheryl Lloyd and Lynn Tierney
- Administrative specialist Sutton Bennett

Art Director Ethan Davis (left) handed out samples of the new UC tote bags, which were as big a hit as the grub at Taco Tuesday.
Friday’s event not only featured live talent, arts and crafts displays and wine and cheese, but also acknowledged 60 staff who have given UC a combined 940 years of service! Chief Financial Officer Peter Taylor and Provost Aimée Dorr introduced these service milestone awardees:
- 10 years: Annita Auyang, Jocelyn Banaria, David Bergquist, Shawn Brick, Isabel Chen, Kimberly Dominick, Lyn Dunagan, Katherine Edwards, Paul Fogel, Chantal Guillemin, Kirk Hasting, Erika Hom, Tommy Lam, Catherine Lindorfer, Jane Meyer, Joanne Miller, Janet Norris, Al Pestano, Kimberly Peterson, Jesse Phillips, Dovie Joyce Price, Luanna Putney, Regina Ranoa, David Schroeder, Renee Wong and Irene Yamamoto
- 15 years: Kyoko Baba, Larissa Branin, Anthony Clayborn, Steven Cohen, Jan Corlett, Connie Geraghty, Maxine Gerber, Kris Lange, Jon Dante Noto, Brandi Schmitt, Tracy Seneca, Richard Townsend, Bernitta Tucker and Lena Zentall
- 20 years:Nancy Chamberlain, Adam Chen-Ok, Christine Chiang, Brenda Dixon-Coby, Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Maggie Leung, Peggy Michel, Oscar Porter, Virginia Sinclair and Elaina Williams
- 25 years: Joi Adams, Marilyn Baker, Andrew Boulter, Lynne Cameron, Mary Croughan, Joni Rippe and Karen Tomajan
- 30 years: Laine Farley and Donna Jones
- 35 years: Lois Grassi
And congratulations to the 19 UCOP staff who won prizes in the Taco Tuesday raffle: Kyoko Baba, Annika Barnes, Jennifer Bunge, Todd Colburn, Nicole Freeling, Jake Hurley, Catherine Kniazewycz, Patricia Lencioni, Aileen Liu, Jeannie Malanowski, Drue McCarthy, Cathy O’Sullivan, Doug Parker, Sherry Perocier, Emma Sebastian, Elaine Stamman, Karen Tomajan, Sean Villa Carlos and Jonathon Wilson.
If you are one of the many attendees who enjoyed Tuesday’s tacos, they were supplied by Tortilleria El Molino of Concord.